Product Name:GNC Men's Diabetic Bundle By GNC

Product Detail : View on GNC Store

Shipping Weight: 3 Pound

Expected Delievery: 01 Jun 2024

Price: Rs.19,999

Product Description: Contains: Mega Men® Diabetic Support - Each serving provides you with an advanced nutritiona; support from essential nutrients such as B-vitamins, which are necessary for energy production, and vitamin D-3, which may play a role in supporting colon health and immune support. It features specialized blends of ingredients that support a variety of health concerns related to blood sugar, Zinc and key B-vitamins provide support for carbohydrate metabolism. Ginkgo biloba and arginine provide circulation support, and choline provides support for cardiovascular health. The potent ingredients lutein, zeaxanthin and hyaluronic acid are important nutrients present in the eye. this formula also include glutamine, carnitine and leucine to help fuel musclesContains: Mega Men® Diabetic Support - Each serving provides you with an advanced nutritiona; support from essential nutrients such as B-vitamins, which are necessary for energy production, and vitamin D-3, which may play a role in supporting colon health and immune support. It features specialized blends of ingredients that support a variety of health concerns related to blood sugar, Zinc and key B-vitamins provide support for carbohydrate metabolism. Ginkgo biloba and arginine provide circulation support, and choline provides support for cardiovascular health. The potent ingredients lutein, zeaxanthin and hyaluronic acid are important nutrients present in the eye. this formula also include glutamine, carnitine and leucine to help fuel muscles

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